In 1965, the Older Americans Act was signed into law. The Act created the U.S. Administration on Aging, now Administration for Community Living, and it authorized grants to States for community planning and services programs. State units on aging were authorized to administer funds, and Area Agencies on Aging were established to identify local needs and to fund services via contracts with county aging providers (senior centers).
In addition to Older Americans Act programs such as nutrition, transportation, and in-home services, other programs have become available to seniors. Services vary by county but are modeled after those provided by the Older Americans Act.
In the 1990s, the Bureau of Senior Services began administering two Medicaid in-home programs—Aged and Disabled Waiver and Personal Care—and in recent years, the West Virginia Legislature has appropriated state funds for in-home services targeted to the frail elderly.
Two other programs are community related: the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a training program that is available for people aged 55 and older who have a limited income; and the Golden Mountaineer Card, which provides varying discounts on merchandise and services through participating businesses. West Virginians who are at least 60 years of age are eligible for the card at no cost. An application for the Golden Mountaineer Card may be completed and submitted online, or you may wish to call 1-888-968-4462 for more information.