WV Bureau of Senior Services

Older Americans Act Programs/LIFE

Individuals age 60 and older may be eligible for a variety of in-home services through the Older Americans Act. These services are offered through county aging providers (senior centers). As they may vary by county, please contact the providers for further information. Examples of services include:

  • Home-delivered meals – a healthful meal—usually lunch—is delivered to the home of an eligible homebound individual.
  • Assisted Transportation – assistance for those who have difficulties using regular vehicular transportation
  • Chore – heavy cleaning and yard maintenance for seniors who are unable to handle such tasks on their own
  • Homemaker – preparation of meals, shopping, managing medication, and laundry for seniors who are unable to handle such tasks on their own
  • Caregiver Support – helping caregivers access information and assistance, formation of support groups, and respite services for caregivers

LIFE (Legislative Initiative for the Elderly) is a state-funded program and part of the senior center array of services. Services vary by county but are modeled after those provided by the Older Americans Act.

Updated 7/12/21